The partnership was signed on the occasion of “Moby Litter: clean up and protect the sea”, an event that saw the dialogue between universities, entrepreneurship and applied research in the field of marine depollution
Baldoni: “Research and innovation are elements that have always distinguished our company, the Port of Ancona can become a green port of call in order to become a technical scientific pole applied for all activities aimed at defending the sea”
“For at least 10 years our company has been working with universities and research institutes – declared Paolo Baldoni CEO of Garbage Service – and what better day to sign a new memorandum of understanding with the Polytechnic University of Marche if not on the eve of the night of the researchers? Moreover, experimentation and research have always been at the centre of Garbage’s activities, providing high added value services in the field of marine depollution. Even on the same “Pelikan System” our task always remains that of transferring the technical-scientific knowhow to the shipowner, while burdens and honours as regards the naval engineering aspect to the CPN.
This new partnership with the university wants to seal what will be our strategy in the short and medium term made up of innovation in the depollution sector so that the Port of Ancona can become a green port, at the forefront in the application of new eco-compatible technologies, leader in the Mediterranean basin.
The aim is to achieve, in as little time as possible, accessible technologies for the protection of the sea since, today more than ever, time is a negative externality that can seriously affect the continuation of life in certain ecosystems. As evidence of the synergy between research and entrepreneurial activities, CPN is building a whale skeleton named Moby Litter which will, over the coming months, be placed in Monte Dago in front of the Science building and will be gradually filled with plastics ”.
Credits: Adriaeco.eu